How Long Will They Be Left In Darkness ?

Houses in the North have been left without any light source, besides the sun, since November 26.

According to The Royal Borough Observer, approximately 4,700 houses were wiped out over Northern England and Scotland after the Storm Arwen had occurred.

Companies have been working extremely hard attempting to fix this problem in harsh conditions and a downfall of temperature.

Supplies have not been successfully delivered to the areas that are vulnerable with the amount of snow and having to clear trees on every journey. Chief executive Jonathan Brearley has said “One thing we’ve done already is we’ve said to Network companies, and they’ve agreed, they’ve lifted the cap on the compensation they will give customers and they’ll make sure that those customers do get some compensation for everything they’ve been through.” It has been agreed with firms to lift the £700 cap to decrease the amount spent on compensation given to customers or the company. This lifting of the money will allow those who have been affected by this to receive £70 for each 24-hours they are left without power.

Hopefully this compensation will help decrease stress levels within the affected households and their power will be back and running anytime soon!

Shania Yr 7

Boston High School Newsroom

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